All posts by Gayla Scrivener

Practical Tips for Succeeding With a Visual or Auditory Impairment

Disabilities can impact an individual’s work performance and daily life in many ways. The significance of the impact depends on the person’s unique level of disability and ability, but most of the time, simple accommodations can be made in the workplace and at home to help the individual thrive. If you’re looking for creative alternatives to conventional workplace practices and processes to accommodate your visual or auditory impairment (or your employees’), consider these ideas:

Top 5 Tips for Persons with Disabilities on Using Tech for Career Success

Guest Post by Patrick Young Individuals with disabilities may have greater difficulties finding fitting jobs. Insider reveals that it can be hard to find employers that willingly provide special accommodations for differently-abled individuals, for example. The great news is that modern technology is simplifying the situation. As a person with a disability, you can use… Read More »

Essentials for Successful Fundraising Research Workbook

Designed especially for the nonprofit environment, the Essentials for Successful Fundraising Research Workbook covers key research skills to add to your fundraising best practices toolkit. You learn about identifying good prospects, tips for performing profile research, and prospect management techniques to keep prospects moving toward a gift. What’s in the Workbook The workbook is printed… Read More »

Accelerate Your Fundraising in Some Surprising Ways With Clean Donor Data

All of us have experienced bad data first-hand. I remember keeping an index card box with carefully collected contacts and having to cross out old phone numbers until the card had to be replaced. When LinkedIn came along, I thought my updating issues were over, but alas, no. It turns out that many people fail… Read More »

Member Tip: Conference, Course, Book, or Blog? Does it Really Matter? Yes!

Your choice of training opportunities depends on what you need to learn, the format or training category, and your individual preferences. Consider categorizing your learning needs to help you decide what learning format, or combination thereof, will make the best training for you. Once you know the purpose, what performance improvement you want the training… Read More »